Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Camping Store Checklist Before A Major Camp

Ok, so let's say you are scheduled to go an outdoor camping trip which is just weeks or several days away. You are probably very excited. You have all the gear in place, including the cameras, grillers, tents, and many others. The kids can't wait for camp day to take place.

But hold your horses.

Make sure you don't forget anything important. To ensure that everything is A-OK when you actually go camping, use this simple checklist in a camping store to simply go through in the days leading up to your camping trip:

1. Make sure you have the necessary bags to carry your gear. This may sound like it is pretty much basic. It is. But it is also something that you should never forget. Remember this. When you are on your way to a camp, your bags may seem like they are able to hold everything in one place. But when you are about to go home, you'll notice a little bit of bulk on your baggage. I don;t know why this is always the case. Thus, it is better to carry an extra bag or two. Buy these immediately from the store.

2. Purchase appropriate clothing. Depending on what kind of trip you will be going to, make sure you buy the necessary clothing for it. If it's a mountain climbing adventure that requires camping at night, make it a point to buy specialized clothing that can withstand cold and can protect you from insects or frost.

3. Buy flashlights, ample supply of batteries, emergency ropes, and jack knife. There is a reason why boy scouts always go out in the field with flashlights, jack knife, and ropes: these are all important in times of emergency. Flashlights can support you at night when a fire cannot be started. A jack knife can help

4. Make sure you  get rid of bulky stuff that you don't need. Things such as excess music equipment, too many shoe pairs, bulky home pillows, or carrying your entire house with you on a camping trip is not advisable. It's best to bring all the necessary equipment and get rid of the ones that you don't need.

The bottomline of all these is that you should get out of your way just to buy camping gear and clothing. This will ensure that you will maximise your camping trip, and enjoy it to the fullest.

Visit the following website to browse through a 100% online camping store:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Top Five Camping Gear That You Should Bring Outdoors

Going out for an outdoor camping trip can be very exciting for family, friends or loved ones. However, any camp adventure will not be complete and as exciting if you don’t bring the necessary camping gear. Make sure that you have these pieces of equipment with you to ensure that you will maximise your outdoor experience: 


Tents serve as your shelter for several days that you are in camp. For this reason, pay attention to purchasing the best tent available out there. 

Never settle for worn out tents, or those with holders that already have rust on them. 

If possible, buy a brand new tent which can hold enough room for you, a companion and your important belongings. After all, getting snug inside this temporary shelter is pretty cool, especially if you are spending the night with Mother Nature. 

All Purpose Knife 

Remember the axiom of the boy scouts? “Be Prepared”. One of the ways that they show their preparedness is by carrying an emergency all purpose knife at all times. You should have that same level of preparedness with you. When you are in a camping field, there are lots of uses for knives. You can use it to cut loose ends, create emergency cups, kill wild animals (gross), unpack your stuff, etc. 

Flashlight and Ample Battery Supply 

If you are out there in the camping field and can’t see through the night, a flashlight can save the day. And make sure you bring sufficient supply of batteries. We’ve heard of camping trips that went south just because some people forgot the batteries. If you are concerned with compact space on your baggage, try bringing a relatively small flashlight with small batteries as well. Never lose your flashlight in the field. It can save lives. 

Jackets and Other Clothing

In camps that require a lot of physical endurance, your jacket can be a life saver. For example, if you are mountain hiking or climbing, do you expect to survive long enough if you are using cheap leatherware or thin cushioned jackets? Of course not. Don’t forget to buy your branded camping gear (such as Northface). This is a must, except if you are camping in a very hot tropical weather.

Protection Against Insects

Insect bites can be a nightmare in camp. Mosquitoes can bring rashes and other forms of fever such as Dengue and Malaria. To ensure that you are safe from insect bites, make sure that you wear appropriate clothing that protects against insects. For these situations, top brands such as Exofficio insect shield clothing are necessary to make your camping trip worthwhile.